Daily Tasks / Shared Living
NDIS Services
We've all been in those situations where we need a little help to do something, but are unsure who to ask or going for it alone seems daunting. We get you. We can provide support at a level that meets your needs. From a little bit of extra help, like cooking dinner for the week, to full-time daily living skills such as cleaning, budgeting and managing money, social skills like making friends or handling conflict resolution; it is all personalised dependent on what you need. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by all the things life throws at you. You can make your own choices and be more empowered with the right supports.
Some more NDIS services
For the areas you may be struggling in and to build an optimistic outlook so you take on life with more ease!
Making sure you’re able to take each round of pills and just how many with no hassle for you at all.
We offer varied services as well as individualised case management to support you throughout your journey.