rights and responsibilities

Mopane Community Health actively promotes and safeguards the fundamental rights of people with disabilities as equal citizens. We are committed to ensuring our services and practice upholds the dignity of the people every day.

We abide by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006 (CRPD). In promoting the equality of people with disabilities, we are committed to ensuring people with a disability are empowered and have a voice in how they live their lives This standard requires that people understand their rights and responsibilities and, that whilst its everyone’s responsibility to comply with this standard it is particularly critical for providers such as ours to ensure this.

Mopane Health ensures that all people, carers and all other stakeholders have access to and are provided with information that is easy to read and understand or given information to assist them to understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities while accessing services. This also includes information about the quality of service they can expect to receive, their right to an advocate including how to access one.

We uphold and support people’s right to privacy and dignity, facilitate the process for accessing their records, feedback processes, complaints, appeals and allegations processes, people’s rights to be free from abuse, neglect, violence and preventable injury. We also ensure that people’s understanding of their rights and responsibilities is confirmed.

Victorian Charter of Humans Rights and Responsibilities

Mopane Community Health ensures that people are enabled to exercise their rights as well as responsibilities. We ensure that our support services are strictly delivered in line with the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. We uphold the rights to freedoms, respect, equality and dignity and, under the Charter all people have responsibilities too. 

People have the right to privacy and, all information collected will be used to provide support and services and, we balance this with people’s safety and also the public or others at wide. Information can only be shared with appropriate consent and where relevant unless if required by the law (e.g. Courts) or if there is a significant risk of harm to the person or others then information can be shared without consent to reduce or remove the risk aspect. 

People providing services have rights that are important too, ensuring service providers have the right to deliver services in a safe environment for everyone including staff. Clients/People have the right to be free from any form of abuse, access an advocate for any issue they wish and to have the advocate raise issues on their behalf. People have rights to complain or inform us of unsatisfactory practice and to also raise this independently to the Disability Commissioner and, we will thrive to support people with this process or by providing you with information to do so independently. 

We comply with all legal requirements and standards of care. We ensure that a person’s disability and/or behaviours which may impact on service provision or restriction will be responded to sensitively and least restrictively approach used when absolutely necessary to ensure safety and rights for all are upheld. 

We ensure that we utilise public services or sign post / referrals to other providers where we can’t effectively meet the needs of a person or where there is significant risk beyond our scope. 

We ensure a safe and empowering environment for people to exercise their rights and responsibilities which may include service evaluation/complaints and, the right access to quality and dignified services.